BRAWL IN CELL BLOCK 99: Movie Review

Brawl in Cell Block 99 is the 2017 film directed by S. Craig Zahler and starring Vince Vaughn in the lead role. The film, which also was written by Zahler, is a pulpy, dark, and brutal action-thriller that follows one man’s descent into darkness. With Vaughn as the stoic lead at the center of the movie, Zahler crafts bold and violent backdrops with an often clinical detachment, further accentuating the somber tone of this gory flick. That being said, Zahler also the writes the movie with a Tarantino-like affection for pulpiness – dramatic lines, larger-than-life characters, and intriguing settings make for a movie that feels as entertaining as it is brash. Notably, unlike Tarantino, however Zahler’s approach remains stoic and unflinching, not using stylizations to underscore the acts of brutality featured throughout the movie. While Brawl in Cell Block 99 executes most of the winning ingredients with the skill of a forthcoming master, but there is a cinematic element missing to his sometimes sensationalist narrative – he never quite captures the complete killer sting of his own story. Brawl in Cell Block 99 is still a fascinatingly compelling and singular watch – it’s a vicious movie that roars with a surprisingly quiet ferocity.

Image gallery for Brawl in Cell Block 99 - FilmAffinity
Vince Vaughn in Brawl in Cell Block 99.

Vince Vaughn turns in a solid turn as lead character Bradley Thomas, a quietly sensible but dangerously brash man with an unflinching desire to protect his pregnant wife and unborn child, no matter the cost. Vaughn, who’s done a fair share of varied roles in the past, finds himself as an unexpectedly strong and stoic leading performer for this film. He is convincing throughout the film and Zahler clearly understands how to utilize and direct him in the best ways to flesh out his intriguing character.

How Brawl in Cell Block 99's director 'made it happen on the set' - The  Verge
A still from Brawl in Cell Block 99.

Brawl in Cell Block 99 is effective because of its simplicity – while the movie does feel a bit lacking in style or narrative heft for a story this slight yet pulpy, Zahler’s restrained (even detached) approach gives the film an icy, violent touch. The film focuses in most closely on its lead character, expertly developing the plot and environments around him, and slowly paving the path to its sensationalist finale. It’d be interesting to know what cinematic influences Zahler exactly has, although Tarantino feels like he may have had a stamp. Brawl in Cell Block 99 is simple, but its the elemental take on the story that gives it its gritty rawness from start to finish – it’s voraciously visceral.







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