TUNE IN FOR LOVE: Movie Review

Tune In For Love is the 2019 romance drama film directed by Jung Ji-woo and written by Lee Jin-Hyuk that stars Kim Go-eun and Jung Hae-in. This story of unrequited love that spans several years is the story of two individuals who share a strong connection with each other throughout the years but always seem to be divided by fate and circumstance. This is a very sweet and sentimental story with a fair amount of dramatic heft grounding its characters, even though the film never feels like it is able to fully explore its characters’ depth in a truly fulfilling way. Ji-woo and Jin-Hyuk craft a story that feels achingly tender especially as it explores the often complicated relationship between the two leads, brought to life through naturalistic performances. Tune In For Love is ultimately perhaps a bit too contrived, inconsistent, and derivative to fully work, but it’s also an affectionate and sweetly crafted romance.

Photos] New Stills Added for the Korean Movie 'Tune in for Love' @ HanCinema
Kim Go-eun and Jung Hae-in in Tune In For Love.

The performances in Tune In For Love – both Go-eun and Hae-in share excellent chemistry and deliver great performances individually as well. Go-eun brings the more hefty dramatic chops, however, as the more seasoned performer and delivers a performance that never feels too sappy or melodramatic. Kim Gook-he is also memorable as Eun-Ja, delivering a solid supporting turn.

Tune in for Love (2019) - Photo Gallery - IMDb
Kim Go-eun and Jung Hae-in in Tune In For Love.

Tune In For Love is a nostalgic, affectionate, and decidedly old-fashioned romance film, and it manages to feel fresh thanks to the deft performances and richly imbued emotion, though the film does leave something to be desired. While the film’s romance feels tender and real, the script sometimes feel a bit too rushed and inconsistent, even though the performances help keep things grounded. A slightly tighter script and some better pacing could greatly help Tune In For Love, especially as certain plot points feel a tad underdeveloped, but the film still stands as a delightfully honeyed and warm, if not sweeping, romance drama.







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